Volunteer Gardening Sessions

Gardening Sessions are on the 2nd Tuesday (10.00am) & 4th Wednesday (1.00pm) of each month. As start times vary between Winter and Summer, please check Facebook or the regular newsletters for latest details.

2025 Dates

January: 14th and 22nd
February: 11th and 26th
March: 11th and 26th
April: 8th and 23rd
May: 13th and 28th
June: 10th and 25th
July: 8th and 23rd
Aug: 12th and 27th
Sept: 9th and 24th
Oct: 14th and 22nd
Nov: 11th and 26th
Dec: 9th

EXTRA SESSION: Third Sunday of each month from 2pm. Check the monthly newsletter/updates for details.

Volunteer Update and Activities: March 2025

Thank you to everyone who came along to volunteer in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during February.  

Our pond work session in Beach Lawn was well attended, with 14 joining us on both Saturday and Sunday.  We removed some more of the old reeds, cleared the new growth that has appeared over the last year and edged the grass growing around the edges of the whole pond.  We also made sure to leave alone the oxygenating plants, lilies and iris, and some of the mat that dragonflies etc. will use for breeding.  We also removed a fair quantity of bricks and other debris!

We had 6 at our Wednesday garden maintenance session.

At our Tuesday session we were joined by pupils from three local schools, who did fantastic work (and worm rescuing!) helping us to continue with the edging of the paths in Adelaide Garden.  We’re nearly half way along the “top” path now, and hopefully will have finished ALL the edges in Adelaide by the end of April.  Fingers Crossed!  

This week is student volunteer week and we would like to thank all the fantastic children who came along to help at our volunteer session today. We had three schools over the course of the day: Newfield, Merefield and Waterloo Primary. Thanks to their efforts we have finished clearing all the paths in Adelaide Garden.

Thanks also to Sefton 4 Good for organising the day. You were all brilliant!

Our volunteers sessions during March will take place on:

Saturday 8th – Litter Picking in Potter’s Barn at 10.30am
Tuesday 11th – Garden Maintenance in Adelaide Garden at 10.00am
Sunday 16th – Garden Maintenance in Crescent Garden at 2.00pm and
Wednesday 26th – Garden Maintenance Adelaide Garden at 1.00pm.

All Equipment will be provided, as well as hot drinks and chocolate biscuits!