Thank you to everyone who has volunteered in the Gardens during July.
We had 11 litter pickers at our first session, 5 at the “extra” summer time session and 13 at our three gardening sessions when we worked on the stream in Beach Lawn, the central beds in Crescent and the rockery in Marine Garden. Altogether, our volunteers spent more than 34 hours working in the gardens!
This month our litter pick will take place in the Children’s Play Park next to the marine lake on Saturday 13th August at 10.30am. The extra summer time litter pick will take place on Saturday 27th August in Crescent Garden at 10.30am.
Our gardening sessions will take place on Tuesday 9th August at 9.30am and Wednesday 24th August at 7.00pm – meeting outside our lock-up next to the cafe. Our monthly Beach Lawn session will take place on Sunday 21st August at 2pm.
We have a Book Sale this Saturday, 6th August between 11.00am and 4.00pm on the paving opposite the Waterloo Sunset cafe. Do come down and pick up a book or two! If you have any books you’d like to donate, please do get in touch. We are especially keen to stock up on children’s books.

On Sunday 21st August we hope to have the Liverpool Network Theatre performing Shakespeare in Marine Garden.
Hope to see you in the Gardens during August!
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens