Thank you to everyone who has helped us in the Seafront Gardens during September.
We had a very successful Autumn Festival in Marine Garden. The weather was kind to us and everyone who attended seemed to have a good afternoon. Between donations from stall holders, and our own stalls (plants, books, toys, raffle, games and refreshments) we took over £1,300. All of this money will be put back into projects to help maintain and improve our Seafront Gardens. Thank you to everyone who helped us on the day.
Our September litter pick in Beach Lawn was attended by 12 volunteers, with most litter picking while a few of us worked on clearing the stream. We had 4 at our Tuesday gardening session when we worked on clearing some path edges in Crescent Garden, and 7 at our Sunday session in Beach Lawn when we continued to work on clearing the stream. Unfortunately we had to cancel the Wednesday gardening session as no one from the Committee was available that afternoon.
We’re gradually getting there with clearing out the stream in Beach Lawn, but we still have a few sections to complete, including the difficult one under the bridge. Once the thick top layer of reeds and roots has been dug out, there is still mud/soil/roots to be picked out from all the nooks and crannies in the rock formations, which is back breaking and fiddly work! Over the winter months we hope to clear more of the main pond too, and it was encouraging at our last session to see frogs and young newts.

Our litter pick this month will take place in Potter’s Barn on Saturday 8th October between 10.30am and 11.30am. Gardening sessions will be on Tuesday 11th at 9.30am and Wednesday 26th at 1.00pm, meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe, and on Sunday 16th October at 2.00pm meeting at the stream in Beach Lawn.
Best wishes,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens