Our 2019 Scarecrow Festival was a big success for the 11th year running. The weather was lovely all day and we estimate that this was the highest attended Festival we have ever hosted with numbers in the thousands. We raised around £1500 for our funds which will be used to improve the Gardens for the benefit of the whole community.

We would like to thank everyone who helped make the day a success: the volunteers who helped set up the day and run games and stalls; the independent stallholders and entertainers – Punch and Judy and the bouncy castle were big hits with the children as usual, as was the face-painting by Beccie French. Some new additions for this year were also welcome: Kitchen Street Cooking who provided great hot food, and excellent musical entertainment from the Travelling Wannabes ukulele band.

Thank you also to everyone who made cakes and donated plants to sell on our own stalls, especially Tony Almonds and Magill’s Nurseries who were very generous. Finally, and most importantly, a big thank you to all those who made Scarecrows for the competition. The quality of entries was very high for our ‘Mystery, Myth and Magic’ theme and our judges had a hard time choosing between them. We had several categories in this year’s competition with entries from groups as well as individuals. Our winners were:
Child category: ‘Bad Witch’ by Leanne Dixon
Group category: ‘Cloak of Invisibility’ by 3rd Crosby Brownies
Family category: ‘Dobby’ by Jo Mercer

More photos of the day can be found on our Facebook page, courtesy of Heather Currie and Karen Abram.