Once again, thank you to everyone who has come along to help in the Seafront Gardens during May.
We had 23 volunteers at our litter pick in Marine Garden and a total of 17 at our 3 gardening sessions – when we worked on clearing weeds around some of the benches in Crescent Garden, weeded two of the corner beds in Crescent Garden and continued our work on clearing out the stream leading to the pond in Beach Lawn.
Twenty staff from Natural England also came along to help us on 23rd May. They worked on clearing some of the very overgrown grass borders from the pathways in the area around the raised bed in Crescent Garden. It’s amazing how much work a few younger people can get through!!!
We lent our litter picking equipment out to the 14th Crosby Rainbows for an evening, when they had a very successful litter pick on the beach and in the sandhills.
We were very pleased last week to become the owners of a new motorised trolley, which will make moving our equipment around a lot easier. We would like to thank Orsted UK for contributing towards the cost via the Burbo Bank Extension Community Fund and Grantscape.
Before photo – spot our new trolley in the background.
After photo – weeding done
In addition to our usual litter picking and gardening sessions, we will be holding a fundraising Book Sale on Saturday 4th June from 10.30am opposite the Waterloo Sunset Cafe. Do come along to say hello, and to pick up some new books!!
Our Litter Pick this month will take place on Saturday 11th June in Crescent Garden between 10.30am and 11.30am. Our gardening sessions will be on Sunday 19th June at 2.00pm in Beach Lawn (to continue working on the stream) plus Tuesday 14th June at 9.30am and Wednesday 22nd June at 1.00pm when we will meet at our lock-up next to the cafe.
Best wishes,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens