
Volunteer update and Activities: May 2023

Thank you to all who have helped in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during April.

We had 12 litter pickers join us at the Play Park, including some newcomers which was good to see.  There were enough of us to be able to spread out into Marine and Crescent Gardens too, and a couple also went up to Beach Lawn to place some plants in the pond – watch out for new lilies and iris making an appearance over the next few months.

We had 13 volunteers at our 3 gardening sessions in April, when we continued our work on edging the pathways in Crescent.  We’re nearly at the end of the main “top” pathway now – but there is still all the others to do!  As ever, we get lots of compliments while we’re working, and on our Facebook posts, so please do come along and join us if you have an hour or so to spare.  We also started to do some much needed weeding on the raised bed in Crescent.  We hope to carry on with that and to replace some of the herbs before putting down new wood chip mulch.

Our volunteer sessions in May will take place on:

Tuesday 9th May at 9.30am, meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe
Saturday 13th May at 10.30am meeting in Marine Garden
Sunday 21st May at 2.00pm meeting at the raised bed in Crescent Garden and
Wednesday 24th May at 1.00pm meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe.

All equipment, and refreshments, will be provided.

We are planning to have more fund raising Book Sales over the summer months, depending on the weather – watch out on our website and Facebook page for details.

Best Wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens