Thank you to everyone who volunteered in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during August.
Sadly, because of the Police cordon around the Marina, we weren’t able to litter pick in the children’s play area, but the 12 who attended instead spread out into Marine and Crescent Gardens and the roadsides. We had a fine collection of litter filled sacks at the end!
We had 6 at our Tuesday gardening session when we continued to edge pathways in Crescent. At our Sunday session, the family of our much missed volunteer, Don Stewart, gathered to clear the area around his memorial bench. After fine weather all day, our Wednesday evening session was cancelled because of heavy rain!

Our BIG event in September is our Autumn Festival on Saturday 16th between 12 – 4.00pm. As ever, we will be looking for help on the day. We would be particularly grateful for help setting up in the morning and taking down after 4.00pm. If you are able to help in any way, please get in touch either by replying to this email or contacting us directly on

Dates for our September events are:
Litter Pick/Gardening – Beach Lawn, Saturday 9th between 10.30-11.30am
Gardening/Litter Pick – Tuesday 12th at 9.30am meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe.
Gardening/Litter Pick – Sunday 17th at 2.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe.
Gardening/Litter Pick – Wednesday 27th at 1.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe.
Looking forward to seeing you in September.
Best wishes,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens