
Volunteer update and Activities: August 2021

Thank you to everyone who came along to our volunteer sessions in July.  We had 17 at our litter pick in Adelaide Garden which meant that we could spread out to litter pick the other gardens too, and some of us cleared the weeds from the paving around the main entrance.  It was great to see some new faces too!  At our 2nd litter pick in Crescent Garden we had 6 volunteers.
We had 7 volunteer gardeners at our Tuesday session, when we worked on clearing the paving around the main entrance in Crescent Garden.  Sadly, we were defeated by the weather at our Wednesday evening session – although 3 of us turned up and then decided to go home!!
Our litter picks this month will take place on Saturday 14th August in the Children’s Play Park, and Saturday 28th August in Crescent Garden, meeting at 10.30am.
Our gardening sessions will take place on Tuesday 10th August at 9.30am and Wednesday 25th August at 7.00pm, meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Best wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens

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