Our latest newsletter letting everyone know what Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens is currently involved in.

Ongoing Projects
We are currently working with the Council on railing and brickwork restoration, plus replacement noticeboards. Additional railings have been ordered by the Council and these will hopefully be installed soon. We are in the process of arranging for each Garden to have a new noticeboard as the current boards are no longer fit for purpose.
Sefton Council are currently holding a consultation on the future of Crosby Coastal Park. Our Seafront Gardens form part of this and it is a chance to tell the council your views. If you have not already completed the consultation it can be found online at yourseftonyoursay.sefton.gov.uk/ Events.
Weather permitting, we now have Yoga classes every Saturday at 10am. These will continue for as long as the weather allows.

Our Scarecrow Festival this year will take place on Saturday 21st September, starting at 12.30pm. Our theme for this year is Mystery, Myth and Magic, so get those thinking caps on now! Also, if you would be free to help us set up/take down on the day, or would be able to run a stall/game for us, please do let us know. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Regular Volunteer Activities
Thank you to everyone who has come along to our litter picking and gardening sessions throughout the year. We now have 15-20 volunteers for most of our litter picking sessions and around 5-8 gardeners at our gardening sessions. Our rockery and raised flower bed were also recently judged for the North West in Bloom scheme – watch this space for the results later in the summer.
Throughout the year we will be litter picking on the second Saturday of each month from 10:30 until 11:30. Full details can be found on our website and Facebook page.

Our gardening sessions take place on the second Tuesday of each month commencing 9:30am, and the fourth Wednesday of each month commencing at 7pm (summer) or 1pm (winter). For all gardening sessions we meet outside Waterloo Place café.
Equipment is provided for all volunteer activities and we have tea and biscuits afterwards. Everyone is welcome and there is no need to commit to regular attendance – simply turn up when you are able. All help is appreciated.