Thank you to everyone who came along to volunteer in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during June.
We had 10 at our Litter Pick in Crescent Garden, and 20 at our 3 gardening sessions when we continued to work on clearing the never ending pathways in Crescent Garden. We have one small section left to complete on the “top” path, and will then start to attack the shorter paths leading down to the one that runs along the “bottom” of the garden. We also continued to work on weeding the raised central bed and hope to renew some of the herbs that have perished over the winter and then cover the area with wood chip mulch.
We were joined again by a group of ten volunteers from Crown Commercial Services who have done a fantastic job completing the edging of the grass beds in the centre of Crescent Garden. Two of the volunteers in particular, who had also attended their session in May, were determined to complete all the beds and worked like Trojans to finish the job! There is still work to do clearing the weeds from the joints in the pathways, but we hope to have another working party later this month who will continue the work started by CCS.

We were thrilled to hear that a local photographer had identified a number of Small Red Eyed Damselfly on the pond in Beach Lawn. Apparently this is only the third site where they have been found on the Sefton Coast, and we must presume is down to all the hard work we have put into clearing the pond and improving the habitat for wildlife. (Photo courtesy of Pete Kinsella)

Our volunteer events during July will take place on the following dates:
Litter Picking & Gardening – Saturday 8th July meeting at 10.30am in Adelaide Garden;
Gardening & Litter Picking – Tuesday 11th July meeting at 9.30am outside the lockup next to the Cafe;
Gardening & Litter Picking – Sunday 16th July meeting at 2.00pm at the central bed in Crescent Garden;
Gardening & Litter Picking – Wednesday 26th July meeting at 7.00pm outside the lockup next to the Cafe.
All equipment, and refreshments, will be provided. Please do come along and join us – most of our work at the moment is litter picking or edging pathways, so no gardening expertise or experience is needed!!
Best Wishes,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens