
Volunteer Update and Activities: February 2024

Thank you to everyone who came to volunteer in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during January.

We had 16 hardy litter pickers in Adelaide Garden which meant that we were also able to spread out into Crescent Garden, Beach Lawn and the pavements, and a couple of us did some edging around the central bench area too!  We had five at our Tuesday session in Crescent Garden when we continued edging the “top” path, and then four and six at our Sunday and Wednesday sessions when we carried on with edging the central bench area in Adelaide – it was a tad windy, but we weren’t going to be put off, and one more session should see that area completed!

Our BIG project in February is this weekend, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th at 1.30pm when we will be having our annual tidy up of the pond in Beach Lawn.  We plan to remove some more of the reeds and moss, carrying on our work of the last couple of years, and to try and prevent it getting so solidly overgrown again.  Any work has to be completed by the end of February to limit interference with the wildlife in the pond, so fingers crossed the weather is kind to us!  We will also be working on the stream leading into the pond, again clearing reeds and silted up areas.

Our regular monthly volunteer sessions in February will take place on:

Saturday 10th at 10.30am meeting at Beach Lawn,
Tuesday 13th at 9.30am meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe,
Sunday 18th at 2.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe,
Wednesday 28th at 1.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe,

All tools and equipment will be provided, as well as hot drinks and refreshments.

Best wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens