Thank you to everyone who came along to our volunteer sessions in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during February.
We had our annual weekend of working the pond in Beach Lawn to keep it clear of overgrown reeds and weeds, with 8 workers on the Saturday afternoon and 10 on the Sunday. We removed some of the new growth (amazing how much grows and how big the roots can get in just one year!) and invasive weed, along with lots of bricks and rubble that have been thrown in over the years, and cut back the grass and reeds on the two islands. All the vegetation removed was left on the bank for a couple of weeks so that any wildlife could escape. I even saw my first newt, swimming in the stream leading down to the pond!
At our Sunday volunteer session later in the month, we helped Angela from Green Sefton, to load up the debris from the pond into her van and made three trips to their depot at Cambridge Road. We’ve had many compliments about the work that we’ve done, both on our Facebook page and while we’ve been out and about in the gardens.
We had twelve volunteers at our Saturday session, when we litter picked and did some weeding around the steps in Beach Lawn, five at our Tuesday session when we finished edging around the benches in the centre of Adelaide, and six at our Wednesday session when we completed the edging on the top path in Crescent Garden.
Our volunteer sessions in March will take place on:
Saturday 9th at 10.30am – in Potter’s Barn.
Tuesday 12th at 9.30am – meeting outside Marine Garden near Waterloo Sunset Cafe.
Sunday 17th at 2pm – See below.
Wednesday 27th at 1.00pm – meeting outside Marine Garden near Waterloo Sunset Cafe.
All equipment, and refreshments, will be provided.
We are also pleased to partner with Sefton Hearts at 50 and Britain in Bloom’s 60th anniversary to celebrate the place our gardens have in community and friendship. We are hosting a guided walk of the gardens on Sunday 17th March from 2pm to 4pm. We are keen to hear your stories and record these for future generations – washed down with some tea and cake! Meet at 2pm at the South Road entrance of Marine Garden. If you are unable to join, please feel free to reply with your memories and how these gardens have helped your friendships. Our intention is to collate these memories and include them on our public website.

Hope to see you at one of our events this month.
Best wishes,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens