
Volunteer Update and Activities: May 2024

Thank you to all those who came along to help in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during April.  We had eight join us in Marine Garden for litter picking and some work on the rockery, and six at each of our gardening sessions.
Our Tuesday garden maintenance session was unfortunately cancelled because of high winds, but at the Sunday session we continued our work on the stream in Beach Lawn.  We’ve now cleared the worst of the blockages but there is still more to do tidying up around the edges and in the nooks and crannies of the stone.  We turned the water on a couple of days later and it was good to see that it now runs much more smoothly along the whole length!  At our Wednesday session we continued to work on edging the top path in Adelaide Garden.

Our volunteer sessions in May will take place on:
Saturday 11th May – Litter Picking in the Children’s Play Park near the Marine Lake, meeting at 10.30am
Tuesday 14th May – Garden maintenance, meeting at 9.30am 
Sunday 19th May – Garden maintenance, meeting at 2.00pm 
Wednesday 22nd May – Garden maintenance, meeting at 1.00pm 
For all of our garden maintenance sessions we meet near Waterloo Sunset cafe.
All gardening and litter picking equipment will be provided, as well as hot drinks and chocolate biscuits!
We hope to be able to hold some book sales during the summer months (weather permitting) and will publicise the dates in advance.  Another date for your diary is our Autumn Festival, which will be held on Saturday 14th September in Marine Garden.
Best wishes, 
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer Update and Activities: April 2024

Thank you to everyone who volunteered in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during March.

We had 12 at our Saturday litter pick in Potter’s Barn, when we also pruned the Waterloo rose bed, cleaned out the fountain and did some edging of the pathway.  At our Tuesday and Wednesday sessions we had 7 and 4 volunteers, who continued to work on edging the top path in Adelaide Garden.

Potters Barn

We were involved in some productive talks with Green Sefton last month when we discussed various projects we have planned for the year, including work in Adelaide Garden, Beach Lawn, and Potters Barn.  We also hope to work with Green Sefton to replace some of the older railings and repair the wall in the centre of Beach Lawn.  These are just some of the things we have planned for the future.

Our volunteer sessions during April will take place on:

Tuesday 9th at 9.30am – garden maintenance, meeting near Waterloo Sunset cafe
Saturday 13th at 10.30am – litter picking and gardening in Marine Garden
Sunday 21st at 2.00pm – garden maintenance, meeting near Waterloo Sunset cafe
Wednesday 24th at 1.00pm – garden maintenance, meeting near Waterloo Sunset cafe.

All equipment will be provided, as well as refreshments.

Best wishes, 

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer Update and Activities: March 2024

Thank you to everyone who came along to our volunteer sessions in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during February.

We had our annual weekend of working the pond in Beach Lawn to keep it clear of overgrown reeds and weeds, with 8 workers on the Saturday afternoon and 10 on the Sunday.  We removed some of the new growth (amazing how much grows and how big the roots can get in just one year!) and invasive weed, along with lots of bricks and rubble that have been thrown in over the years, and cut back the grass and reeds on the two islands.  All the vegetation removed was left on the bank for a couple of weeks so that any wildlife could escape.  I even saw my first newt, swimming in the stream leading down to the pond!  

At our Sunday volunteer session later in the month, we helped Angela from Green Sefton, to load up the debris from the pond into her van and made three trips to their depot at Cambridge Road.  We’ve had many compliments about the work that we’ve done, both on our Facebook page and while we’ve been out and about in the gardens.

We had twelve volunteers at our Saturday session, when we litter picked and did some weeding around the steps in Beach Lawn, five at our Tuesday session when we finished edging around the benches in the centre of Adelaide, and six at our Wednesday session when we completed the edging on the top path in Crescent Garden.  

Our volunteer sessions in March will take place on:

Saturday 9th at 10.30am – in Potter’s Barn.
Tuesday 12th at 9.30am – meeting outside Marine Garden near Waterloo Sunset Cafe.
Sunday 17th at 2pm – See below.
Wednesday 27th at 1.00pm – meeting outside Marine Garden near Waterloo Sunset Cafe.

All equipment, and refreshments, will be provided. 

We are also pleased to partner with Sefton Hearts at 50 and Britain in Bloom’s 60th anniversary to celebrate the place our gardens have in community and friendship. We are hosting a guided walk of the gardens on Sunday 17th March from 2pm to 4pm. We are keen to hear your stories and record these for future generations – washed down with some tea and cake! Meet at 2pm at the South Road entrance of Marine Garden. If you are unable to join, please feel free to reply with your memories and how these gardens have helped your friendships. Our intention is to collate these memories and include them on our public website.

Hope to see you at one of our events this month.

Best wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer Update and Activities: February 2024

Thank you to everyone who came to volunteer in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during January.

We had 16 hardy litter pickers in Adelaide Garden which meant that we were also able to spread out into Crescent Garden, Beach Lawn and the pavements, and a couple of us did some edging around the central bench area too!  We had five at our Tuesday session in Crescent Garden when we continued edging the “top” path, and then four and six at our Sunday and Wednesday sessions when we carried on with edging the central bench area in Adelaide – it was a tad windy, but we weren’t going to be put off, and one more session should see that area completed!

Our BIG project in February is this weekend, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th at 1.30pm when we will be having our annual tidy up of the pond in Beach Lawn.  We plan to remove some more of the reeds and moss, carrying on our work of the last couple of years, and to try and prevent it getting so solidly overgrown again.  Any work has to be completed by the end of February to limit interference with the wildlife in the pond, so fingers crossed the weather is kind to us!  We will also be working on the stream leading into the pond, again clearing reeds and silted up areas.

Our regular monthly volunteer sessions in February will take place on:

Saturday 10th at 10.30am meeting at Beach Lawn,
Tuesday 13th at 9.30am meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe,
Sunday 18th at 2.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe,
Wednesday 28th at 1.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe,

All tools and equipment will be provided, as well as hot drinks and refreshments.

Best wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer Update and Activities: January 2024

Happy New Year to all our supporters and Friends of the Waterloo Seafront Gardens.
A big thank you to everyone who came along to help in the Gardens during 2023 – a quick tot up from my record book shows that we had 158 volunteers at our monthly litter picks (1 hour), and 199 at our three regular monthly gardening sessions (usually 2 hours each), which means that we have spent at least 556 hours working in the gardens!  We know that others also spend time gardening and litter picking on their own, so thank you to those people too.
Our first volunteer sessions of 2024 will take place on the following dates:
Tuesday 9th January – Gardening/Tidy Up at 9.30am meeting outside Waterloo Sunset cafe.
Saturday 13th January – Litter Picking at 10.30am in Adelaide Garden.
Sunday 21st January – Gardening/Tidy Up at 2.00pm meeting outside the cafe.
Wednesday 24th Jan – Gardening/Tidy Up at 1.00pm meeting outside the cafe.
All equipment will be provided, as well as refreshments, and please don’t be put off by the “Gardening” title – most of our work is clearing and tidying the pathways and not at all technical!
We plan to have another weekend of working on the pond in the Beach Lawn during February – watch out for more details.  At the moment I think waders may be needed rather than wellies!
With best wishes for 2024.

 Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer Update and Activities: December 2023

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during November.  

We had thirteen at our Litter Pick in Marine Garden, which meant we had enough volunteers to spread out into Marine Crescent and the field in front of The Esplanade, and a few of us worked on the rockery, weeding and clearing the steps.

Our Sunday gardening session was cancelled because of rain, but we had five at our Tuesday morning session, and six at the Wednesday afternoon session.  We continued our work re-clearing the path edges that we had worked on earlier in the year.  This time it has only taken 3 sessions to reach the mid-point at the main gates, so hopefully we can complete the other half by the end of January.  And then we start all over again!  This work isn’t technical gardening, but it does make the garden look more cared for and it’s good to be able to see immediately what a difference a couple of hours of work can make.  Please come along and join us – you don’t need to be an expert gardener to make a difference.

Our volunteer sessions in December will take place on the following dates.  

Saturday 9th – Litter Picking at 10.30am in Crescent Garden.
Tuesday 12th – Gardening/Path Clearing at 9.30am meeting near Waterloo Sunset cafe.
Sunday 17th – Gardening/Path Clearing at 2.00pm meeting near Waterloo Sunset cafe.

All equipment is provided, as well as hot drinks and chocolate biscuits (and a Mince Pie option as it’s December!).

We had a successful AGM at the Victoria Hotel in November, and were pleased to be joined by many of our members – thank you to everyone who attended and to all who have supported us over the past year.  Our Annual Report was presented, and we discussed plans for future projects in the Gardens, followed by wine and mince pies.  

With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Trustees Report

2022/23 Trustees report can viewed by clicking here.


Volunteer update and Activities: November 2023

Thank you to all who came along to help in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during October.

We had 10 volunteers at our Litter Pick in Potter’s Barn, where we also cleaned out and set the fountain running and weeded the raised bed and rose bed.  We’re pleased to see that the new “Waterloo Roses”, purchased with donations made after a Facebook post last year, are growing well and some were still flowering!

We had 14 volunteers at our three regular monthly gardening sessions when we continued to work on the raised central bed in Crescent Garden – weeding and mulching with bark chippings.  The middle of the bed still needs a fair amount of work, but we may leave that until we prune back the vicious Rosa Rugosa in the spring!

Our volunteers sessions during November will take place on:

Saturday 11th Nov – Litter Picking in Marine Garden – meeting at 10.30am.
Tuesday 14th Nov – Gardening – meeting at 9.30am outside Waterloo Sunset café.
Sunday 19th Nov – Gardening – meeting at 2.00pm outside Waterloo Sunset café.
Wednesday 22nd Nov – Gardening – meeting at 1.00pm outside Waterloo Sunset café.

All equipment will be provided as well as hot drinks and chocolate biscuits!

We will be holding our 6th Annual General Meeting of Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens Charity on Thursday, 23 November 2023 starting at 7.30pm at The Victoria Public House, Bath Street, Waterloo.

The meeting Agenda is attached here: AGM Agenda

Please could members confirm attendance by 9th November and, should members wish to propose any resolutions, please send these to the Secretary by email [] by noon on Thursday 9th November 2023. A revised agenda will be issued should resolutions be proposed. 

Best wishes, 

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: October 2023

Thank you to everyone who helped in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during September.  

At our Saturday session in Beach Lawn we had 15 volunteers, when some of us tidied up the rockery and stream and others litter picked, spreading out into the other gardens and along the roadside.  There were 4 at our Tuesday gardening session when we carried on with the monster task of edging the paths in Crescent Garden and sadly our Wednesday session was cancelled because of rain and strong winds.  We put our Sunday gardening session back by a week (exhausted after the Autumn Festival!), when 7 of us worked on the raised bed in Crescent Garden – weeding, planting Armeria and creeping thyme, and putting down bark mulch on the areas we had cleared.

Our Autumn Festival in Marine Garden on the 16th was a great success.  Once again, the weather was kind to us and we raised more than £1,600 from our own stalls (plants, books, raffle, teas and cakes) and from donations made by the other stall holders.  It was lovely to receive lots of positive comments from those who attended and we must give a big thank you to all those who came along on the day to help set up and take down at the end of the afternoon and to the Friends of Moorside Park who lent us tables.

Our volunteer events this month will take place on:

Gardening – Tuesday 10th October meeting at 9.30am meeting outside Crescent Garden near the café;
Litter Picking – Saturday 14th October meeting at 10.30am meeting in Potter’s Barn;
Gardening – Sunday 15th October meeting at 2.00pm; and
Gardening – Wednesday 25th October meeting at 1.00pm both meeting outside Crescent Garden near the café.

As usual, all equipment, and refreshments will be provided.  Please do come along and join us!

Best wishes, 

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: September 2023

Thank you to everyone who volunteered in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during August.  

Sadly, because of the Police cordon around the Marina, we weren’t able to litter pick in the children’s play area, but the 12 who attended instead spread out into Marine and Crescent Gardens and the roadsides.  We had a fine collection of litter filled sacks at the end!

We had 6 at our Tuesday gardening session when we continued to edge pathways in Crescent.  At our Sunday session, the family of our much missed volunteer, Don Stewart, gathered to clear the area around his memorial bench.  After fine weather all day, our Wednesday evening session was cancelled because of heavy rain!

Our BIG event in September is our Autumn Festival on Saturday 16th between 12 – 4.00pm.  As ever, we will be looking for help on the day.  We would be particularly grateful for help setting up in the morning and taking down after 4.00pm.  If you are able to help in any way, please get in touch either by replying to this email or contacting us directly on

Dates for our September events are:

Litter Pick/Gardening – Beach Lawn, Saturday 9th between 10.30-11.30am
Gardening/Litter Pick – Tuesday 12th at 9.30am meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe.
Gardening/Litter Pick – Sunday 17th at 2.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe.
Gardening/Litter Pick – Wednesday 27th at 1.00pm meeting outside Crescent Garden near the cafe.

Looking forward to seeing you in September.

Best wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens