
Volunteer update and Activities: August 2023

Thank you to everyone who has helped in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during July.

We had 17 at our litter pick in Adelaide Garden, when we were pleased to welcome three new “pickers”.  We were able to spread out to litter pick in the other Gardens, and along the roadside, and a couple of us worked on weeding and tidying the round central bed. 

We had six volunteers at our two gardening sessions when we finally made it to the end of the main top path in Crescent Garden, and have started working on the other paths that link down to the bottom path.  Unfortunately we had to cancel our Wednesday evening session because of the rain.

We were pleased to be joined by 5 members from the Plant Health Agency who came to do a day of volunteer work.  They did an excellent job of weeding and edging two corner beds in Crescent, and also did some more path edging.

Our volunteer sessions in August will take place on the following dates:
Saturday 12th – Litter Picking in the Children’s Play Park meeting at 10.30am near the play area.
Tuesday 8th – Gardening or Litter Picking meeting at 9.30am. 
Sunday 20th – Gardening or Litter Picking meeting at 2.00pm.
Wednesday 23rd – Gardening or Litter Picking at 7.00pm – all meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe.
Our Autumn Festival this year will take place on Saturday 16th September in Marine Garden – watch out for more details coming over the next few weeks! 
Best wishes,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: July 2023

Thank you to everyone who came along to volunteer in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during June.

We had 10 at our Litter Pick in Crescent Garden, and 20 at our 3 gardening sessions when we continued to work on clearing the never ending pathways in Crescent Garden.  We have one small section left to complete on the “top” path, and will then start to attack the shorter paths leading down to the one that runs along the “bottom” of the garden.  We also continued to work on weeding the raised central bed and hope to renew some of the herbs that have perished over the winter and then cover the area with wood chip mulch.

We were joined again by a group of ten volunteers from Crown Commercial Services who have done a fantastic job completing the edging of the grass beds in the centre of Crescent Garden.  Two of the volunteers in particular, who had also attended their session in May, were determined to complete all the beds and worked like Trojans to finish the job!  There is still work to do clearing the weeds from the joints in the pathways, but we hope to have another working party later this month who will continue the work started by CCS.

We were thrilled to hear that a local photographer had identified a number of Small Red Eyed Damselfly on the pond in Beach Lawn.  Apparently this is only the third site where they have been found on the Sefton Coast, and we must presume is down to all the hard work we have put into clearing the pond and improving the habitat for wildlife. (Photo courtesy of Pete Kinsella)

Our volunteer events during July will take place on the following dates: 

Litter Picking & Gardening – Saturday 8th July meeting at 10.30am in Adelaide Garden;
Gardening & Litter Picking – Tuesday 11th July meeting at 9.30am outside the lockup next to the Cafe;
Gardening & Litter Picking – Sunday 16th July meeting at 2.00pm at the central bed in Crescent Garden;
Gardening & Litter Picking – Wednesday 26th July meeting at 7.00pm outside the lockup next to the Cafe.

All equipment, and refreshments, will be provided.  Please do come along and join us – most of our work at the moment is litter picking or edging pathways, so no gardening expertise or experience is needed!!

Best Wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer Update and Activities: June 2023

Thank you to everyone who volunteered in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during May.

We had 15 volunteers at our litter pick in Marine Garden.  A few of us worked on tidying the rockery and steps, and others litter picked in Marine Garden, along the roadside and the grass area in front of the Esplanade.

At our regular gardening sessions we continued to work in Crescent Garden, with a total of 17 volunteers over the 3 sessions.  It was good to meet and welcome a couple of new volunteers.  

We continued to work on edging the “top” pathway (2 more sessions and we should be finished! On that path at least!!), and we also weeded the central raised bed/ex pond.  There’s still a small area left to complete, but once that’s done, we’ll cover it with a good layer of wood chip in the hope that that will keep the weeds down for a while.

We were also pleased to be joined by two volunteer teams during May: 6 workers from United Utilities who worked on edging and clearing the crazy paving pathway at the bottom on the steps in Marine Garden; and 8 from Commercial Crown Services who worked on edging the grass beds in the centre of Crescent Garden.  Both teams did fantastic work which has really made a difference, as you can see in the photos below, and would have taken our regular volunteers months to complete!  The Team from CCS hope to come back in June to complete work on the other central beds in Crescent.

Many of our members have also been out litter picking on their own, helping to clear the litter left by visitors during half term, and during this lovely spell of good weather.  Thank you to all those who spend their time trying to keep Waterloo looking good.

Our volunteer sessions this month take place on :

Saturday 10th June, meeting in Crescent Garden at 10.30am
Tuesday 13th June, meeting outside our lockup next to the cafe at 9.30am
Sunday 18th June, meeting in Crescent Garden in the central area at 2.00pm and
Wednesday 28th June, meeting outside our lock up at 7.00pm (summer timing)

As usual, all equipment, and refreshments will be provided.

Best Wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: May 2023

Thank you to all who have helped in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during April.

We had 12 litter pickers join us at the Play Park, including some newcomers which was good to see.  There were enough of us to be able to spread out into Marine and Crescent Gardens too, and a couple also went up to Beach Lawn to place some plants in the pond – watch out for new lilies and iris making an appearance over the next few months.

We had 13 volunteers at our 3 gardening sessions in April, when we continued our work on edging the pathways in Crescent.  We’re nearly at the end of the main “top” pathway now – but there is still all the others to do!  As ever, we get lots of compliments while we’re working, and on our Facebook posts, so please do come along and join us if you have an hour or so to spare.  We also started to do some much needed weeding on the raised bed in Crescent.  We hope to carry on with that and to replace some of the herbs before putting down new wood chip mulch.

Our volunteer sessions in May will take place on:

Tuesday 9th May at 9.30am, meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe
Saturday 13th May at 10.30am meeting in Marine Garden
Sunday 21st May at 2.00pm meeting at the raised bed in Crescent Garden and
Wednesday 24th May at 1.00pm meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe.

All equipment, and refreshments, will be provided.

We are planning to have more fund raising Book Sales over the summer months, depending on the weather – watch out on our website and Facebook page for details.

Best Wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: April 2023

Thank you to everyone who came to help in the Seafront Gardens during March.
We had 11 at our Litter Pick in Potter’s Barn, where we also weeded the rose bed and raised bed, and cleaned out the fountain.
We had 17 people at our 3 gardening sessions in March, when we continued to work on edging the paths in Crescent Garden.  
We’re nearly at the end of the “top” path nearest the road – but still have lots to do!  Our posts on Facebook and Instagram showing the work we’ve completed have had lots of compliments.  It’s not exactly skilled work, but it makes such a difference to the look of the garden – please do come along to join us if you have a spare hour or two!

We also had a final clear up around the pond in Beach Lawn after Green Sefton took away the debris we had cleared out – depending on who you talk to, they reckon they removed between 16 and 20 tons!

Our volunteer sessions in April will take place on the following dates:

Litter Picking – Saturday 8th April meeting at 10.30am at the Play Park next to the Marine Lake
Gardening/Litter Picking – Tuesday 11th April meeting at 9.30am at our lock up next to the Cafe
Gardening/Litter Picking – Sunday 16th April meeting at 2.00pm at the raised bed at the centre of Crescent Garden
Gardening/Litter Picking – Wednesday 26th April meeting at 1.00pm at our lock up next to the Café.
Best wishes, 
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: March 2023

Thank you to everyone who came to volunteer in the Seafront Gardens during February.
We had a good weekend working on the pond in Beach Lawn, when 25 of us worked by hand (and root slayer!) to remove areas of the rushes and reeds that the digger hadn’t been able to reach in January.  We left some “islands” where we know lilies, marsh marigolds, iris and orchids will come up, as well an area of bullrushes so that the newts have somewhere for protection.  The debris has all been left around the pond, and Green Sefton have promised to clear it over the next few weeks.
We had seventeen at our Litter Pick in Beach Lawn and were pleased to be joined by a group from Mencap.  We were able to spread out into the other gardens, and also clear litter from the pavements.   A few of us continued to work on the pond, clearing loose debris from the water and we also moved 4 trolley loads of bricks and boulders that had been removed from the pond and took them round to the Beach Lawn depot for safe keeping.  We hope that in the future we may be able to reuse some of the old bricks to make repairs, and place the stone boulders back into the rockery.  We also took two car loads of rubble to the tip!
At our Tuesday, Sunday and Wednesday gardening sessions we had seven, four and six volunteers and continued to work on the path edges in Crescent Garden.
Our regular volunteer sessions this month will take place on:
Saturday 11th March at 10.30am – Litter Picking in Potter’s Barn
Tuesday 14th March at 9.30am – meeting at our lock up next to the cafe
Sunday 19th March at 2.00pm – meeting in Beach Lawn and
Wednesday 22nd March at 1.00pm – meeting at our lock up next to the cafe.
Gardening and litter picking equipment will be provided, as well as refreshments.
Looking forward to seeing you in March, 
Best wishes, 
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: February 2023

Thank you to everyone who came to volunteer in the Seafront Gardens during January.

We had fourteen at our Litter Pick in Adelaide Garden, which meant that we were also able to spread out into Beach Lawn and Crescent Garden.  Sadly, we had to cancel our Tuesday morning session as the weather was very wet and windy.

On Tuesday 24th January we were pleased to be able to get a mini digger (with operator) into Beach Lawn to work on clearing the worst of the overgrown reeds and bulrushes out of the pond.  Committee members were present during the day to act as stewards, keeping visitors and dogs away from the working area and we were pleased with the amount that was cleared, especially the very deep and difficult area in the middle of the pond that defeated us last year when we were working by hand!  Some areas of rushes etc. have been left in the pond, along with water lilies, iris and marsh marigolds.  All the debris has been left at the pond edge so that wildlife can return to the water.  The debris will be removed by Green Sefton.

At our Wednesday volunteer session the following day, the weather was wet, but four of us removed litter and rubbish from the pond debris.

To continue our work on the Beach Lawn pond, over the weekend of 4th/5th February we plan to have two working parties, both starting at 1.30pm.  There are some areas the digger couldn’t reach because the sloping pond edges meant it couldn’t get close enough, so we would like to clear some more of the reeds by hand, especially in the area around the larger of the islands.  Tools will be provided, but please wear suitable clothing, especially wellies (or waders!).  Hot drinks and chocolate biscuits will also be available!!

Our regular volunteer sessions this month will take place on:

Saturday 11th February at 10.30am – Litter Picking in Beach Lawn;
Tuesday 14th February at 9.30am – meeting at our lock up next to the cafe;
Sunday 19th February at 2.00pm – meeting in Beach Lawn; and
Wednesday 22nd February at 1.00pm – meeting at our lock up next to the cafe.

Gardening and litter picking equipment will be provided, as well as refreshments.

Looking forward to seeing you in February,

Best wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: January 2023

Happy New Year!  

Our Seafront Gardens volunteer sessions will be starting up again this week and as usual will be on the following days each month:

2nd Tuesday at 9.30am;
2nd Saturday at 10.30am;
3rd Sunday at 2.00pm; and
4th Wednesday at 1.00pm (or 7.00pm in the light summer evenings).

All the sessions will be for gardening and litter picking, and dates and details will be sent out in our monthly bulletins.  

Our January 2023 gardening sessions/litter picks will take place on: 

Tuesday, 10th January at 9.30am, meeting at our lockup next to the Waterloo Sunset cafe; 
Saturday 14th January at 10.30am meeting in Adelaide Garden; 
Sunday 15th January at 2.00pm meeting in Beach Lawn; and
Wednesday 25th January at 1.00pm meeting at our lockup next to the cafe.

As usual, gardening and litter picking equipment, and refreshments, will be provided.  If the weather is terrible we’ll put a cancellation notice on our Facebook page, but one of us will also attend at the meeting point for those who don’t have access to our page.

This month we also plan to do more work on clearing the pond in Beach Lawn.  Weather permitting, we have a mini-digger (and operator) booked for Tuesday 24th January when we hope to remove the worst of the reeds that defeated us (by hand!) last year.  We’ll be keeping the lilies and iris and some of the reeds and bullrushes, but the majority will be removed and left at the pond side for a few days (for any wildlife to escape), before being taken away by Green Sefton.

In February we plan to have a “Work Party Weekend” on either 4/5th or 18/19th to tidy up the pond and do some more work on the stream, but again, this will be dependent on the weather.   

Best wishes,  

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and Activities: December 2022

Thank you to everyone who has come along to help us in the Waterloo Seafront Gardens during 2022.
We had 12 volunteers at our November litter pick in Marine Garden, when we were also able to spread out along the roadside, Crescent Garden and the field by the Lakeside Centre.  A few of us also worked on weeding the rockery.
At our weekday gardening sessions we had 10 volunteers and continued to work on cutting back the grass along the path edges.  The paths we have completed are looking really good, and we get lots of compliments while we’re working (and on our Facebook posts) – it’s not technical work, so please do come along and join us if you can spare the time.
Seven of us continued to work on clearing the stream in Beach Lawn at our Sunday gardening session.  One of our volunteers has been picking away at it daily over the last few weeks and this has also made a real difference.  Most of the smaller ponds in the stream now have clear water in them, rather than being full of reeds, and much of the remaining work will be to clear the mud and roots from amongst the grooves in the rocks, remove some invasive trees and bushes and cut back reeds from around the grass edges of the pond.  We’re in the process of organising a small mechanical digger to come in February to remove more of the reeds and bullrushes from the pond and will be organising another weekend “blitz” once the digger has done its work.  Watch this space for dates!
We had a successful AGM on 24th November, and after looking at each of the five Seafront Gardens, came up with lots of suggestions for future projects to work on in.  
Our Litter Pick this month will take place on Saturday 10th December between 10.30am and 11.30am in Crescent Garden.  Some of us will be gardening too if you’d rather do that.
We will have just one gardening session this month, taking place on Tuesday 13th December at 9.30am, meeting at our lock-up next to the cafe. 
With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Dear Members,

The 5th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation will take place on Thursday 24th November 2022 from 7.30pm at The Victoria Hotel, Great Georges Road, Waterloo

We look forward to welcoming our members to this year’s AGM. Can we also ask, where possible, that members contribute their annual membership fee of £5. Details about this were circulated last week.

Following the formal meeting, members are invited to join us for a mince pie and a glass of wine. To confirm your attendance at this year’s AGM, please email

All the Trustees are willing to continue in office, but if there are any members who wish to stand as Trustee or on the Committee, please let us know in advance of the meeting by emailing

Kind Regards,

The Trustees of FoWSG