
Volunteer update and activities – May 2021

Hi Everyone,
It was good to see some of you back in the Gardens in April.  We had a good turnout with 18 volunteers at our litter pick, and 3 and 7 at our gardening sessions.
Our litter pick in May will take place in Marine Garden on Saturday 8th May at 10.30am.
Our gardening sessions will take place on Tuesday 11th May at 9.30am and Wednesday 26th May at 1.00pm, meeting outside our lock-up next to the Waterloo Sunset Cafe.  
Please don’t be put off coming to join in with the “gardening” – no expertise is needed for a lot of the jobs we do, and the paths and grass edges look so much better when they’ve been swept/tidied!
We also hope to join in with an extra event in June – a joint “Mass Clean Up” of the Coastal Park and beach from Hightown to Seaforth Docks (including the Gardens).  We’re hoping this will take place on Tuesday 1st June between 6.00pm and 8.00pm and will be a joint event with The Friends of Crosby Beach, Hightown Beach Clean Group, Canal and River Trust and Mencap.  Details will be confirmed nearer the time.

Reminder of the following safety measures still in operation:

  • Refreshments will not be provided.
  • Everybody taking part must satisfy themselves that they are eligible and safe to help with litter picking or gardening. 
  • If you or someone in your household starts to show symptoms of Covid 19, or if you are at high risk of severe symptoms yourself, then you must not attend.
  • Equipment will be provided but you must bring your own gloves.  Each person can select a ring and a picker, or gardening tools.  All the equipment will be cleaned/sanitised before being stored in the lock-up.
  • Bags will be handed out by someone wearing gloves, and the picker will fix it to their own hoop. 
  • The prescribed social distancing rules must be observed, both within the group (if a group is working) and anybody else nearby.
  • The location to leave filled bags will be announced before the start, and pickers will take their own bags there.

Looking forward to seeing you in May.

Best wishes,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and activities – April 2021

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’ve all been keeping well and have had a good Easter.
We’re pleased to hear that we can now restart our litter picking and gardening sessions – following Covid safety rules of course!
Our first litter pick of 2021 will take place this Saturday, 10th April in the Children’s Play Park by the marine lake from 10:30 to 11:30am. 
Our gardening sessions will be on Tuesday 13th April at 9.30am and Wednesday 28th April at 1.00pm.  As usual, we will meet outside the Waterloo Sunset Cafe.

The following safety measures will be taken:

  • Refreshments will not be provided.
  • Everybody taking part must satisfy themselves that they are eligible and safe to help with litter picking or gardening. 
  • If you or someone in your household starts to show symptoms of Covid 19, or if you are at high risk of severe symptoms yourself, then you must not attend.
  • Equipment will be provided but you must bring your own gloves.  Each person can select a ring and a picker, or gardening tools.  All the equipment will be cleaned/sanitised before being stored in the lock-up.
  • Bags will be handed out by someone wearing gloves, and the picker will fix it to their own hoop. 
  • The prescribed social distancing rules must be observed, both within the group (if a group is working) and anybody else nearby.
  • The location to leave filled bags will be announced before the start, and pickers will take their own bags there.

Looking forward to seeing you all again,

Best wishes,
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and activities – January 2021

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered for us over the last year, either as part of our organised events or as individuals.  This really helped to keep our Gardens clean and tidy, especially during the periods we were restricted due to Covid 19.
Sadly we are starting this new year with restrictions in place again. Following the recent lockdown announcement we have been advised by Sefton Council to once more cancel all our future activities in the gardens until further notice.  Volunteers are still able to go out as individuals, but groups activities are on hold. 
We hope you all keep safe and well, and that it won’t be too long before we’re able to resume our usual volunteering sessions.

Best wishes, 
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and activities – December 2020

Hi Everyone,
We hope you are all keeping well and safe.
Following further advice and guidelines from Green Sefton and Sefton Council, we now feel that we can continue with our litter picking and gardening sessions.
The following measures will be taken, to ensure the safety of the attendees by compliance with current regulations. (These regulations will change from time to time, so are not detailed here):

  • To control numbers the sessions will not be announced as events on social media.
  • Refreshments will not be provided.
  • Everybody taking part must satisfy themselves that they are eligible and safe to help with litter picking or gardening. For further guidance and clarification please see current Government advice here: Local restriction tiers: what you need to know – GOV.UK ( 
  • If you or someone in your household starts to show symptoms of Covid 19, or if you are at high risk of severe symptoms yourself, then you must not attend.
  • Equipment will be provided but you must bring your own gloves.  Each person can select a ring and a picker, or gardening tools.  All the equipment will be cleaned/sanitised before being stored in the lock-up.
  • Bags will be handed out by someone wearing gloves, and the picker will fix it to their own hoop. 
  • The prescribed social distancing rules must be observed, both within the group (if a group is working) and anybody else nearby.
  • The location to leave filled bags will be announced before the start, and pickers will take their own bags there.

Our litter picking session for December will take place will take place on Saturday 12th December in Crescent Garden between 10.30am and 11.30am.  Hopefully with enough volunteers we’ll be able to work in the other gardens too.

We will just have the one gardening session in December, which will take place on Tuesday 8th December at 9.30am, meeting outside our lock-up next to the Waterloo Sunset Cafe.  

Looking forward to seeing you again,

Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Volunteer update and activities – September/October 2020

Thank you to everyone who joined us to litter pick in Beach Lawn Garden in September.  We had 20 volunteers, and split into smaller groups to litter pick in both Beach Lawn and Adelaide Garden plus another group for weed clearing. Special mention to Don and Anthea who have done a marvellous job this year of keeping the surface drains clear; also Richard and David who went further afield, armed with waders, to clear the nature boardwalk by the Marina.
We had 7 volunteer gardeners at our Tuesday gardening session, and 10 at the Wednesday session.  We have worked on the rockery at Marine Garden and several beds at Crescent Garden.
Sadly, following recent further restrictions put in place because of the Coronavirus crisis, we have now been advised by Sefton Council to once more cancel all our future activities in the gardens until further notice.  Volunteers are still able to go out as individuals, but groups activities are on hold. 
We hope you all keep safe and well, and that it won’t be too long before we’re able to resume our usual volunteering sessions.
Best wishes, 
Janet Markland
Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


Waterloo Seafront Gardens & The Crosby Coastal Park Vision

From the Champion Newspaper 24th July 2019…

Crosby Coastal Park Consultation video…

Crosby Coastal Park Draft Vision Presentation.

NOTE: The five Waterloo Seafront Gardens are in Zone F.


Volunteer Gardening Sessions

Gardening Sessions are on the 2nd Tuesday (9.30am) & 4th Wednesday (1.00pm) of each month. As start times vary between Winter and Summer, please check Facebook or the regular newsletters for latest details.

2020 Dates

January: 14th and 22nd
February: 11th and 26th
March: 10th and 25th
April: 14th and 22nd
May: 12th and 27th
June: 9th and 24th
July: 14th and 22nd
Aug: 11th and 26th
Sept: 8th and 23rd
Oct: 13th and 28th
Nov: 10th and 25th
Dec: 8th

Volunteer update and activities – September 2020

Thank you to everyone who came along to our volunteer sessions in August. We had fifteen litter pickers in the children’s play park.

We will continue to follow advice and guidelines from Green Sefton and Sefton Council, and the relevant measures will be taken to ensure the safety of the attendees by compliance with current regulations.

For more details please click here.


Next Litter Pick

11th JanuaryAdelaide
8th FebruaryBeach Lawn
14th MarchPotter’s Barn
11th AprilPlay Park, Marina
9th MayMarine Garden
13th JuneCrescent Gardens
11th JulyAdelaide
8th AugustPlay Park, Marina
12th SeptemberBeach Lawn
10th OctoberPotter’s Barn
14th NovemberMarine Garden
12th DecemberCrescent Garden

All are welcome to our litter picks which are held on the second Saturday of the month.

We provide gloves and litter pick equipment and free refreshments for all litter pickers.

Come and meet us at the next litter pick, one of our events or mail us at

Watch the litter pick video below.


Volunteer update and activities – August 2020

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all keeping well. Thank you to everyone who came along to our volunteer sessions in July and it was good to see so many familiar faces again! We had a fantastic turn out of 24 for the litter pick in Adelaide Garden, and 7 and 8 at our gardening sessions.

Our litter pick this month will take place on Saturday 8th August at the children’s play park near the Marine Lake, between 10.30am and 11.30am.

Our gardening sessions will take place on Tuesday 11th August at 9.30am and Wednesday 26th August at 7.00pm (evening), meeting outside our lock-up next to the Waterloo Sunset Cafe.

We will continue to follow advice and guidelines from Green Sefton and Sefton Council, and the following measures will be taken to ensure the safety of the attendees by compliance with current regulations. (These regulations will change from time to time, so are not detailed here):

• Refreshments will not be provided.

• Everybody taking part must satisfy themselves that they are eligible and safe to help with litter picking or gardening. For further guidance and clarification please see current Government advice here:

• If you or someone in your household starts to show symptoms of Covid 19, or if you are at high risk of severe symptoms yourself, then you must not attend.

• Equipment will be provided but you must bring your own gloves. Each person can select a ring and a picker, or gardening tools. All the equipment will be cleaned/sanitised before being stored in the lock-up.

• Bags will be handed out by someone wearing gloves, and the picker will fix it to their own hoop.

• The prescribed social distancing rules must be observed, both within the group (if a group is working) and anybody else nearby.

• The location to leave filled bags will be announced before the start, and pickers will take their own bags there.

Looking forward to seeing you again,

Janet Markland

Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens


2019 Scarecrow Festival – Marine Garden

Our 2019 Scarecrow Festival was a big success for the 11th year running. The weather was lovely all day and we estimate that this was the highest attended Festival we have ever hosted with numbers in the thousands. We raised around £1500 for our funds which will be used to improve the Gardens for the benefit of the whole community.

We would like to thank everyone who helped make the day a success: the volunteers who helped set up the day and run games and stalls; the independent stallholders and entertainers – Punch and Judy and the bouncy castle were big hits with the children as usual, as was the face-painting by Beccie French. Some new additions for this year were also welcome: Kitchen Street Cooking who provided great hot food, and excellent musical entertainment from the Travelling Wannabes ukulele band.

Thank you also to everyone who made cakes and donated plants to sell on our own stalls, especially Tony Almonds and Magill’s Nurseries who were very generous. Finally, and most importantly, a big thank you to all those who made Scarecrows for the competition. The quality of entries was very high for our ‘Mystery, Myth and Magic’ theme and our judges had a hard time choosing between them. We had several categories in this year’s competition with entries from groups as well as individuals. Our winners were:

Child category: ‘Bad Witch’ by Leanne Dixon
Group category: ‘Cloak of Invisibility’ by 3rd Crosby Brownies
Family category: ‘Dobby’ by Jo Mercer

More photos of the day can be found on our Facebook page, courtesy of Heather Currie and Karen Abram.